Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cheating...Dun Dun Dunnnnn

Well, as the title of the post probably gives away, yes I have done the dreaded cheat, once again. I am not sure what caused it, maybe just because it was there, but I cheated with some serious M&M'S!! Darn Halloween Candy!! Yes, they were good, but not as good as it would have felt to get to 189 by Tuesday a.m.! I think I can still redeem myself, but it will take sheer motivation and willpower on my part.

Starting Weight: 204.8
Loading Weight: 205.9
Today's:Weight: 190.9
AND I lost 1 inch on my waist!! From 43 to 42!!

Exactly 15 lbs from Load Weight and 13.9 from Start Weight in ONLY 26 DAYS!!! I have 20 more days to get to at least 30 lbs, and I think it is totally doable. I am still stoked and cannot believe how fast this is coming off! It is SO exciting! I imagine I will have a gain tomorrow, but I won't let it get me down. I will just take it for what it is, a minor setback, and start plugging away again! After all, I am only human!


Monday, November 3, 2008

Different in Ways I Can Totally Dig!

So, I was thinking out loud to a friend of mine who is doing this Protocol as well. Her husband had told her on Halloween night that he could really see a difference in my weight, especially in my face. Now the part that is different from other diets is this...usually I have to lose about 20-25 lbs. before people start noticing and saying something. With the HCG protocol, people started noticing almost immediately, like the first week or first 5 pounds!

Now, to me that is substantial evidence in proving the "type' of weight that's coming off. Before I know I was not losing the correct tissue/fat because I never felt good, always looked tired, always felt hungry and I didn't get the almost immediate response that I do now.

For those who are considering HCG, go ahead, there's nothing to lose but the BAD stuff! and everything to gain! I can almost guarantee people will notice the first 2 weeks, or maybe even the first week, just like they did me!

I am SO excited to keep going. I am starting my 4th week of Phase 2 tomorrow and hope to be down about 30-34 lbs, which will be my halfway mark by the time this round of Phase 2 is over...Wish me luck!



So, I was moving along quite nicely and was down to 192.2 and BAM! Tom decides to visit me! Ughh, that makes me so mad, as now I am up to 195.4. I hope this goes down BIGTIME after it's all over. I can't take a 3 lb jump without doing something to cause it! I would like to see me passed the 190's for good by the time the week is oper.

So, that's my goal at the end of the week...189! Here goes nuttin'!
