Monday, October 6, 2008

First Day of Phase I

Well, yesterday (Sunday, 10/05/2008)I went out and bought my cleansing supplies. I am only going to do Phase I until my TOM goes away, or 7 days which is the length of the cleanse I bought. I also purchased a Candida Cleanse, krill oil, B-12, Yerba Mate Tea, green tea, and some other things to get me started.

I am still waiting on my hCG to come in. I received a tracing number, but I can't track it until it gets to the states :( I did come into some luck though and was able to purchase some through a person (who shall remain nameless) who has to stop the diet due to high blood pressure and she is mailing it from Alabama. So, it should not take very long and at least I can get started as soon as I am done with the cleanse. I am actually hoping to start Phase II next Sunday. I am off on Mondays and that will give me Sunday and Monday to Load and Tuesday will be a perfect day to start VLCD since I'll be at work and that is less likely to make me think about food!

Today is my honey's and my 3 year wedding anniversary. We have been together for 7 years now and I want to give him back the girl he met 7 years ago. I just don't feel like myself anymore. I am bitchy and cranky all the time, and that is NOT the woman he married. I know people change, I am sure some things will stay the same because I have matured, but overall I feel a lot of my negativeness is caused by my weight and just being unhappy with myself.

I am so excited to start this protocol. I can't wait and I will keep you posted with daily food journals (I know, bo-ring) and weight loss, and all the obstacle/triumphs I am bound to go through! Thanks for taking the journey with me!


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