Friday, October 31, 2008

Quick Update!

Yes, I am totally back on track and I am down to 193.7 today! WootWoot!

Today is going to be a tough one though. I am at home with my youngest and she is sick yet again. This time with a stomach bug (yea me:P). Poor thing. I guess she got it with her immune system being down from all those darn antibiotics. I am really looking into getting her gut cleaned up. If anyone knows anything about a candida/yeast cleanse that is safe for toddlers, please, please let me know. I need to start her on a better probiotic too. This one is from the Dr., and I just don't feel like it's doing the trick? Maybe it's because she detests it being in anything I give it to her in. I've tried pudding, yogurt, juice... nothing works! She says, "yuck, mommy, it's old!" Little stinker!

Wish me luck and good luck on your journey!


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