Monday, October 6, 2008

A little about why I decided to do hCG

Well, like a lot of women, I gained a ton of weight during my pregnancy and it all didn't come off. Add that to an unhappy first marriage and you're looking at a very unhappy, unmotivated fat girl! I got a divorce and soon dropped 68 lbs through SlimFast! I did work out religiously every day for at least an hour. I never felt toned and never got to exactly where I wanted. But, I was MUCH happier with what I had done completely on my own! It only took me about 6 months so I was pretty please.

Then came my husband! He is an East Texas boy with the typical eating habits. Fried everything and lots of it and the buttery sides to go with it! Yummm-o! This is NOT a good thing for someone who has kept the weight off for a year! So, slowly but surely, in about 3 years time, I regained about 30 lbs. Then I decided to give Weight Watchers a try. I dropped about 15 lbs and Wham-O, I got pregnant!

My daughter is 2 years, 4 months and I am hanging right about 12 lbs less that my delivery weight! NOT COOL! That is when I came across the hCG: pounds and inches protocol. In April I originally was going to a clinic who was giving me Lipotropic and B-12 shots along with he appetite suppressant phentermine. I did pretty well and lost 21 lbs! I had to cancel one day and never made it back until I had gained 8 lbs. back! I went back in July, but this time the weight was not coming off. After my 3rd visit (you go every week) a lady in the waiting room started telling me that she lost 5 lbs in a week on this new shot! I said, "What new shot? No one has said anything to me about a new shot". That's when it hit me, it must be hCG. I had tried hCG about 2 years ago and NOTHING! They were giving it at another clinic along with phentermine. So I had heard of people doing this diet and thought the other one just didn't know what they were doing. Well, I took the shot at the new clinic for about a week and I actually gained weight! UGHHH!!! Well it turns out they only gave you 3 of the 48 pages from Dr. Simeons weight loss protocol: Po9unds and Inches. I got on the internet and started looking up hCG weight loss. I came across some VLOGs on YouTube (thanks margotzoe and Shalom!)and they really got m researching. That is how I came across the correct way to do this protocol.

I have put together a binder and received all of my supplies. I am just waiting on the hCG. I am going to do the first phase of this protocol as read in another sources book, Kevin Trudeau's "Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You To Know About". You don't have to follow the Phase I but I hear it greatly helps your chances of losing weight and not feeling hungry during the other phases. That is why I have decided to do at least a Body Cleanse and a Candida Cleanse.

Wish me luck!


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